Thursday, February 5, 2009

New Year, Birthday and New Career

A new year also means another birthday for me, and although a birthday is only one day - mostly the celebrations seem to go on for days. It's a continuation of the festive activities from Christmas and New Year. And then there's nothing much for the rest of the year. Here I am celebrating being 62 - gratefully - with some of my friends.

All tests and visits to doctors have been positive, which is great. In March I have my annual CT scan - so fingers crossed for a good result.

And still more birthday celebrations.

The other thing I've done since I wrote here is to establish my business as a Civil Celebrant.

Terrie Baxter

Justice of the Peace

Civil Marriage Celebrant

Planning with you. Presenting a professional event that is meaningful and memorable

And the first couple to ask me to marry them are Mat (environmental scientist) and Nici (medical student). They plan to marry in February or March 2010. It will be exciting planning with them for their special event. And here they are.

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